The Ability to Confidently Share Your Story Publicly May Be The Missing Piece in Your Life's Mission

It doesn't matter how amazing your gifts are if nobody is seeing them.

  • On Camera

    Having the clarity and confidence to share your story on social media opens you up to clients and connections and miraculous opportunities far and wide that otherwise remain hidden.

  • On Stage

    When you have clarity and mastery around how to share your story so that it serves the audience powerfully, all fear of public speaking falls away as you realize you're just showing up and being yourself.

  • In Person

    Never feel intimidated by anyone again because you know who you are, why you're here and how to speak to serve so that the person in front of you is deeply reached, transformed and grateful for your presence.

I've Helped Hundreds of Entrepreneurs Learn To Verbalize Their Wellspring of Truth.

1) Own Your Story

So often, entrepreneurs think that what happened to them was too traumatic, too messy, not important enough, or some other limiting belief around why others won't want to hear their story. But the truth is, this is just hiding from ourselves as we are scared to stir up the pot and face those challenges enough to turn them into an inspirational message for others.

2) Empower Your Truth

Your story didn't just happen to you, it happened FOR you... So that you could grow through it and learn sacred nuggets of wisdom that only you share because they are laced with the uniqueness of your personal journey. Through meditation practices, we'll bring these insights to the light and help you see how they can accelerate all that you're creating in the world.

3) Emerge Into Authenticity

Like a seedling breaking through the soil into the sunlight for the first time, so much energy moves in your life when you share your story for perhaps the first time in all of your brilliance. We'll walk you through a few simple steps of how to do this without judging yourself that you aren't where anyone else is - because after all, if seedlings gave up because they weren't full grown right when they sprouted then we wouldn't have forests.

4) Realize Your Value

As you realize that everyone wasn't freaked out by your story but instead, you've inspired countless people with it, something begins to click for you. You realize that serving others powerfully through sharing your story and your unique creative offerings to the world is the path to the best feeling of your whole life which simultaneously advances humanity while attracting people to your mission-aligned offerings.

This Love Leadership Program Will Help You To...

  • Roll up your sleeves and immerse yourself in a life-changing transformational journey deep into your consciousness content.

  • Realize where the voice is coming from that tells you it's time to be more public and share with the world more.

  • Ignite your passion to serve others by unlocking your voice and your story to confidently market (share) your gifts with the world.

  • Find your channel of joyful, truthful expression that will eliminate any fear or anxiety when you present on stage and on video.

  • Find a new level of confidence in yourself that comes from an authentic rootedness deep in your soul... Meaning you never have to "Fake it until you make it"

  • Find transcendent peace in a daily meditation practice

  • Magnetize dream love partners, dream team members, dream clients and any other stakeholder in your highest vision for your life because you are so deeply rooted in your purpose.

Program Curriculum

Get Immediate Access to the entire program's video library, to go at your own pace alongside 3 months of weekly Q&A calls

  • 01


    • A Few Questions Before We Begin...

    • How to Get the Most Out of this Course

  • 02

    Own Your Story

    • A New Possibility for Humanity

    • Download Your Progress Centralization System

    • A New Possibility for You

    • Introduction to the Power of Breath

    • Swearing Yourself in as the Captain of Your Soul.

    • The Treasure Chest You Drag

    • Cleaning Out Your Shit Silo

    • Progress Check

    • The Illusion of Security

    • If It's Hysterical, It's Historical

    • Who Are You?

    • Identifying Your Highest Vision for Your Life

    • The Universe is Your Mirror

    • Creating the Necessary Conditions for Your Evolution

    • Laying One Brick at a Time

    • Progress Check

  • 03

    Empower Your Truth

    • Clarifying Your Highest Vision for Your Life

    • Guided Experientation

    • Gratitude

    • Morning Routine - Pulling the Weeds

    • How to Forgive Yourself

    • How to Forgive Others

    • "Ask for Directions" Intuition

    • "Backseat Driver" Intuition

    • Progress Check

    • Making Peace with Silence

    • Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energy

    • How to Learn From Nature

    • Progress Check

    • Finding Mentors and Teachers

  • 04

    Emerge Into Authenticity

    • Accepting Your Responsibility to Lead

    • Removing Energetic Blockages- Emerging from the Soil

    • Sharing Your Truth

    • Acting in the Face of Doubt, Resistance

    • Giving Kites Some String

    • Surrounding with New Life

    • Progress Check

    • Spiritual Bulking and Cutting

    • Keeping Your Filter Clean: Smoothing Out the Bumps

    • The Universe is Your Coach

    • Worthiness

    • Accessing Your Limitless Content: The Wisdom of "I Don't Know"

  • 05

    Realize Your Value

    • Work All Your Gifts

    • Take Nothing Personally

    • Clearly Define Your "Why"

    • What is Love?

    • There is No Such Thing as "People"

    • Spiritual Gravity

    • The Lesson You're Here to Learn

    • Ideal Human Identification

    • Manifestation 101

    • Participating Fully in Your Life

  • 06

    Next Steps...

    • Congratulations!!

    • Course Completion Survey

Summary of What's Included

  • Lifetime Access to the full library of video content to walk through the process at your own pace

  • The system of breakthroughs that will help you to liberate your confident sharing of your story to share your gifts on all platforms

  • A Progress Centralization System to keep track of all of your most important insights so you can stay organized and clear-minded

Frequently Asked Questions

  • "How do I know this program is right for me?"

    If you're someone who desires to bring more of yourself, your gifts, your love, and your leadership to your work and your life, then this course is going to help you to feel complete inner certainty around your self-care practices, your infinite value, your message, and the path to your greatest impact.

  • "I've got a busy schedule, how can I best fit this program in?"

    Completely understandable. You probably have already learned the importance of consistency in your morning routine. We recommend creating 15-30 minutes of space in your morning routine to take one lesson and implement the exercise so you can begin your day with a whole new level of confidence, clarity and presence.

  • "What if I struggle to meditate?"

    Meditation is the process of uniting with our natural state. Our true Divine Nature. In fact, meditation simply means "To become familiar with". When we struggle to relax our mind into silence, it is only because we have been trained by an insane, fast-paced, disconnected, and confused world. As you continue to practice, your neuro-pathways in your brain will associate greater amounts of pleasure with meditation. You'll also begin to release heavy emotions you may not have realized were taking up space in the background. This is normal. And it is the path to liberation. You're on the right track 🙏 . You got this. You're coming home.


“The Love Leadership Course is my daily workout partner for my Inner Self. Starting my day with an awareness of my Self has translated into being noticeably present and mentally available the rest of the day. My perspective is shifting, my mood is improving, I am less stressed and more creative. Someone made up my entire life for me and I’m finally unlocking how I can create a life for myself, from the inside out. ”

Austin Willman

“I'm so grateful for Joe's work, I've found myself now able to allow the Universe to come through me… I REALLY needed to do this… like BIG TIME.... This was a necessary step I had been putting off for sooooo long...literally decades- we're talking 20 years… and I feel elated to have finally rolled that boulder away! One less block!! Yes!!! Get ready world!!!”

Laura Seely

“Knowing that you want to make a change in your life and actually having the courage and guidance to change your life are two totally different ideas. Joe does a wonderful job of introducing and implementing several strategies and breaking them down to bite-size pieces that may be used to overcome any obstacles or doubts that may arise in one's life. Each time I've been through the course, I have approached it with a different obstacle or objective in mind. At the end of each week, I come out of it a much better and more enlightened individual.”

Chris Kuzma

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